DevOps – Containers Orchestration


Nowadays software packaged as container images and ran in containers is an industry-accepted standard of running and distributing applications. Some of the benefits of using containers are:

  • A high degree of portability
  • Consistent operations processes
  • Scalability and resiliency mostly
  • Enabling common tooling thanks to open standards

As with everything, there are no free lunches! The power that containers provide comes with complexity. Running standalone containers instances can be ok for limited size workloads or at a smaller scale. At a certain point, the complexity is too much to deal with manually.

Developing and running containerized workloads at scale requires a high degree of automation and operational excellence. In other words, it requires containers orchestration.

After reading this article you will:

  • understand what containers orchestration is
  • why is it a critical part of running containers
  • how can it help make your life easier

It can also help you explain to your peers or leadership why and when containers orchestration is important. You will also learn about useful tools and patterns.

What is containers orchestration?

Traditionally, containers orchestration is associated mostly with operational level activities. There are however lots of activities happening parallelly or before expanded to containers orchestration. By including development as well as building and deployment automation related tasks a new definition can be applied: Containerized workloads management.

Containerized workloads management is a process of automating common tasks throughout the whole lifecycle of container images and containers. Containers orhestration is is a process of automating common operational-level tasks.

The below diagram shows how containerized workloads management involves development, security, operations and other disciplines in the following areas:

In this article, we will dig deeper into the “traditional” container orchestration side of Operations.

Example Scenario

A sample scenario will help illustrate and understand all the principles.

Imagine that you need to create and deploy a traditional n-tier app with a web frontend, simple REST API, and document database as a persistence store. The setup will run on-prem and in a public cloud. We expect increased traffic over time with a steady usage pattern. At some point our app will undergo internal compliance and security audits, resulting in additional requirements.

What you see is not all there is to it

A typical tutorial or blog post showing how to get started with running something in a container barely scratches the surface. Once a certain scale is reached, orchestration becomes critical and unfortunately, most of it is not visible to the business.

Let’s dig deeper into each task from the “Operations” area. The goal is to show what problems containers orchestration tries to solve. We will look at patterns and paradigms as well as tools that help address different areas of orchestration.

Provision and Deploy

Without tools, provisioning would typically mean sshing into a virtual machine and installing a bunch of tools to get the nodes ready for receiving workloads. In our example, it means a separate server for the frontend app, a separate one for middleware and another one for the database.

A deployment is an act of pulling images on the server and spinning up new containers. Let’s assume that our application runs one container for each component, so 3 containers in total. Without orchestration doing so would mean setting up a connection to a remote docker host and issuing imperative commands like docker run etc.

How does this step look like with container orchestration tools and processes?

To enable smart provisioning we could take advantage of two patterns:

Schedule on a correct node

Our workloads are containerized and ready, we can deploy them, but wait where exactly? In a high scale environment, there are typically multiple compute nodes, moreover, the health of the nodes and available resources can change over time. Without any tooling, we would have to make decisions based on resources utilization, network latency, OS version, etc. Due to the manual effort required, this decision would typically be done once, not taking advantage of bin packing.

Kubernetes comes with a build-in scheduler controller, that takes care of exactly this. Not only the scheduling is done once but is also evaluated and adjusted dynamically.

Allocate Resources

Each container needs compute resources, CPU, RAM, storage. Without orchestration, there is no easy way of limiting how much resources a container can consume. We are basically left with system monitoring tools and retroactively fixing issues.

Kubernetes comes with a build-in mechanism to declare how much resources should be allocated to containers (requested resources). It also supports resources limits that can be consumed by containers resources limits)

Conditionally auto-scale

Our app is a success and utilization is growing. Thankfully we have followed The Twelve-Factor App design methodology and our frontend and middleware can horizontally scale without a problem.

Without orchestration, horizontal scaling of our frontend app in its simplest form involves:

  • spinning up a new container
  • creating a load balancer either as another container or a standalone installation (for example nginx)
  • updating nginx configuration pointing to new IP addresses of the containers to the load balancer
  • repeat if we want to scale up to additional containers

Of course, if the demand drops, we should remove excessive containers. With a big enough scale, this is a full-time job!

Kubernetes provides a build-in mechanism called Horizontal Pod Autoscaler for scaling up and down based on resources utilization. What if we wanted to scale based on completely arbitrary metrics or API calls? No problem, KEDA provides a rich event-driven auto-scaling mechanism.

What if our database needs a more “beefy” server/node to support all the requests coming from the middleware? Kubernetes got us covered, we can create a new node pool for our database workloads and use a combination of taints and tolerations to automatically migrate our database pods to a better-suited node.

Load balance and route traffic

Let’s imagine, that we have added a new route to our frontend app and need to load balance it from publicly facing domain to appropriate pod and container. Without tooling, it involves a manual reconfiguration of load balancer which can get very messy very fast.

Kubernetes provides native primitives (services, ingresses) to helps us automate load balancing tasks.

Although the DNS plugin is not part of “core” Kubernetes, it is almost always installed on a cluster. DNS provides service discovery, no more fiddling with IP addresses in config files, localhost is enough!

Ensure high availability

Mission-critical systems, such as our example app, must adhere to SLAs (Service Level Agreements) defining the uptime of a service. High availability means ensuring that the system must be up and available for a specified duration of time. For example “four nines” of availability (99.99% or time) translates to 52 minutes per year or 4.38 minutes per month of unavailability.

Without any tools, it is very hard to ensure high availability.

Kubernetes comes with a powerful mechanism of “reconciliation loops” which are controllers running on the cluster and constantly monitoring the infrastructure and applications for any drifts from the desired state. Once such drift is detected, Kubernetes will automatically try to restore balance by making sure desired state corresponds to the actual state.

There are two paradigms we can take advantage of here:

Monitor and health check

Observability is a great example of a decentralized system design with a centralized control plane. To observe our containers we will need highly decentralized components operating on various levels of the stack (kernel syscalls, system-wide events, application-specific monitoring endpoints, etc).

All those pieces of data are collected and presented in a meaningful way either to humans or automated processes. Kubernetes can enable cluster-wide audit policy and collect data on various levels.

There are a lot of tools that can support this process, such as Prometheus, Graphana, Loki, FluentD, Jaeger, just to name a few.

To enable monitoring on an application level, Kubernetes comes with a concept of liveness, readiness and startup probes.

Cillium and Falco deserve a special mention. These tools can work with eBPF probes to provide deep level observability. Falco specializes in security-related monitoring whereas Cillium does the same for networking.


There are many ways of providing configuration to containerized workloads. Reading environmental variables, config files, external endpoints such as databases or HTTP/gRPC services etc.

Kubernetes provides consistent configuration management via the following primitives:

  • Config Maps
  • Secrets
  • Volumes

All those configuration options can be “mounted” to pods in various ways; providing a consistent model of configuration management.

Security and secure communication

Last, but definitely not least, how to ensure secure communication between containers? Kubernetes without any additional settings or changes is very permissive. Thankfully, there are tools and standards to help us harden and secure the cluster.

Let’s imagine that our application is being audited and a security recommendation was made to ensure that our database container cannot talk to the frontend container. As long as we don’t scale anything, it is possible to do with docker-compose and networking settings, but it is a manual process.

Kubernetes comes with a built-in mechanism of network policies that regulate which pods can communicate with each other.

This is great, but after a while, another team deployed a service to the cluster. This service provides sensitive lookup data, we have to ensure that the communication between our pods and the service is encrypted.

Here we can use tools from the Service Mesh category. Those tools provide enhanced observability as well as secure communication capabilities. Istio and LinkerD for example.

Maybe we want to prevent pods from using the default public Docker Hub registry for docker images? Kubernetes comes with admission controllers and Image Policy Webhook is one of them. If we want to create more fine-grained policies, tools such as Open Policy Agent(OPA) or Kyverno will be helpful.


Containers orchestration captures the “day-2” operational tasks that sooner or later we will have to deal with. Fortunately, there are plenty of tools and standards to help us with this task. The tools mentioned in this article are examples and mostly ones I’m personally familiar with, but there are a lot of alternatives. If you are interested in learning more about those, check out the ever-growing CNCF landscape. I hope that this short guide helped you understand what container orchestration is, why it is important and how you can start thinking about it in your organization.
