Author: Uma Mahesh

Whats new in C# 5.0 Part-1

The Microsoft Visual Studio Async Community Technology Preview introducing a new language feature in C# and VB, and a new framework pattern to go with it, that will make asynchronous programming similar to synchronous programming. This blog describes the limitations of the current callback based programming model for asynchrony, and provides overview to the new


What is a Parallel Query? Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) was introduced in the .NET Framework version 3.0 It features a unified model for querying any System.Collections.IEnumerable or System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable data source in a type-safe manner. LINQ to Objects is the name for LINQ queries that are run against in-memory collections such as List and arrays. This article

IIS 404 error when viewing ASPX pages

Root Cause By default, when IIS is installed on any version of the Windows Server 2003 family, IIS only serves static content (HTML). Resolution To permit IIS to serve dynamic content, the administrator must unlock this content in the Web service extensions node in IIS Manager. To do this, the administrator must either enable a

Restriction Operator in LINQ

Restriction Operatorswhere is the restriction operator. It applies filter criteria on the sequence. The values of the sequence are filtered based on a supplied predicate. The where operator does not initiate the execution of the query. The query is executed when enumeration over the object is initiated, at which point the filter is applied. This

Finding Possible Bad Indexes in SQL Server

CREATE PROCEDURE FindPossibleBadIndex AS BEGIN -- Possible bad Indexes (writes > reads) DECLARE @dbid INT SELECT @dbid = DB_ID() SELECT 'Table Name' = OBJECT_NAME(s.object_id), 'Index Name' =, i.index_id, 'Total #of Writes' = user_updates, 'Total #of Reads' = user_seeks + user_scans + user_lookups, 'Difference' = user_updates - ( user_seeks + user_scans + user_lookups ) FROM