Design Patterns for Microservice Architecture – API Gateway

In Microservice Architecture, the UI usually connects with multiple Microservices. If the Microservices are finely grained (FaaS), the Client may need to connect with lots of Microservices, which becomes chatty and challenging. Also, the services, including their APIs, can evolve. Large enterprises will like to have other cross-cutting concerns (SSL termination, authentication, authorization, throttling, logging,

Design Patterns for Microservice Architecture – Saga

If you use Microservice Architecture with Database per Microservice, then managing consistency via distributed transactions is challenging. You cannot use the traditional Two-phase commit protocol as it either does not scale (SQL Databases) or is not supported (many NoSQL Databases). You can use the Saga pattern for distributed transactions in Microservice Architecture. Saga is an old pattern developed

Design Patterns for Microservice Architecture – Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS)

If we use Event Sourcing, then reading data from the Event Store becomes challenging. To fetch an entity from the Data store, we need to process all the entity events. Also, sometimes we have different consistency and throughput requirements for reading and write operations. In such use cases, we can use the CQRS pattern. In

Design Patterns for Microservice Architecture – Database per Microservice

Once a company replaces the large monolithic system with many smaller microservices, the most important decision it faces is regarding the Database. In a monolithic architecture, a large, central database is used. Many architects favor keeping the database as it is, even when they move to microservice architecture. While it gives some short-term benefit, it

Backend For Frontend (BFF) Pattern

In a microservices architecture, each microservice exposes a set of (typically) fine-grained endpoints. This fact can impact the client-to-microservice communication. A direct client-to-microservice communication architecture could be good enough for a small microservice-based application, especially if the client app is a server-side web applicatio. However, when you build large and complex microservice-based applications (for example,